The Hayward Boys Basketball team is currently at 6-14 in their regular season. This season, the varsity team is already doing better than last year (when they had a record of 5-20). The boys varsity team still has five games left to get another win to improve their record. They’ll face Cumberland, Ladysmith, Cameron, Chetek-Weyerhaeuser, and Ashland.
Throughout the season, the team has had a few career highs: Preston Sullivan (junior) with 19 points and 6 steals, Tyler Eaton (senior) with 8 steals, and Caleb Springer (sophomore) with 23 points- including six three-pointers. Simon Hansen, a freshman, said that he’s enjoyed his first high school season. Hansen said, “Varsity is doing alright ironing out some wrinkles and we will soon be an amazing team.” Dylan Lobitz, a sophomore, said the team is playing pretty well, “… but we still need some work to get where we want to be.” Kingston Frey, a sophomore, said he thought the team was playing alright, but they, “…still need improvement and more adjustments.” Even though the varsity team had a few people quit mid-season, the team still persevered and are currently still working hard every day.
If you haven’t made it to a game yet- what are you waiting for?! Come and support your fellow Canes to help them finish their season strong.